Saturday, April 28, 2007


today, the 28Th of April 2007 is my nineteenth birthday....thought of doing something new........came the idea of starting my own blog !!
(keep reading and commenting on my friends' blogs; seldom used to write but had never thought of publishing them)

friends! please do keep helping me with your comments....hope my blogs will be worth your time !!

thought of starting with a poem,(even)though haven't ever written one........please bear with the FIRST poem of this AMATEUR writer!

Do I need to say this to you....

(i)love U !
miss U !
care for U !!
Do I need to say this to U ?

(am)dejected when U cry,
elated when U smile,
Do I need to say this to U ?

(with u),lived the craziest dreams; wildest days
would not have dared to with someone else..
Do I need to say this to U ?

life felt like heaven with U !
exhilarated to do whatever we(me n U) wanted to do
Do I need to say this to U ?

(i shall)always be there for U !
stand beside U to watch our(mine n YOURS) dreams come true
no one can(ever) dwell in that corner of (my)heart except U
Do I need to say this to you ?

If U feel I do,
(sorry) this is not for U !!!!


  1. ITs a lovely poem...particularly refelcting upon the hidden emotions which u might not tell or share with others becoz some thins in life r means to be felt by their own.....keep writing...

  2. nice poem to start out with i guess...keep it up...write wen evr u can...n u vl do really gr8...thr r many things i might want to say about the poem but then I need to say this to u ?

  3. even if u made sure i dnt get the faintest idea of it...i jst stumbled upon it wen i was jst fooling around on orkut.:P and given to my over exuberant vitality of reading blogs hw can i leave such a opportunity!!:P

    nicely wriiten quite quixotic fr sure....nicely rhyming even the name of ur blogspot.

    keep up the gud work..and yeah Do i need 2 say this to you???:P

    P.s-beware u r slowly moving towards edification

  4. thank u i need to say this to u?? :D

    @anubhav-arrey yaar all those hidden emotions r revealed!!
    *sobs sobs*

    @aayush-yeah i vl wen ever i can..hope i vl do REALLY gr8....hari omn!

    @nirvan-thank u 4 stumbling upon it....keep fooling around..u r going gr8:P
    sorry i changed my blogspot's name n YESS i vl beware..:D

  5. i guess its superb n wud really agree with anubhav regardin ur hidden emotions never knew nd its kind of surprised me!!!! wow twinks!!! i really think its very nice quite heart touchin go on..........

  6. i dont think u shud hav included the last two lines tht kind of broke my heart yaar bt its very nice..... keep it up...

  7. do i need to say..thank u....hmm..again i vl say all my HIDDEN emotions r REVEALED now re:((
    n u dont need to thank me for that surprise:D
    sorry yaar!!but never mind i vl provide you fevi quick....Rs.5 wala vl do or u need the bigger one??{dont hav ne idea abt the size of ur heart}:P

  8. hey twinkle u waited for my comment for a very long time sorry .went thru ur blog its gr8.....keep it up dear unravels ur hidden treasure....and emotions.........all the best for ur future blogs ...........28th april ur b'day new start with a new full day ...........woh!!!!!!!!!nic beginning dear keep it up.............plz write ur 2nd blog soon so i will write more plz.[;)]

  9. thank u dear!!
    n yes..i vl try to help u write more soooon :D

  10. knw what?
    u havbve made an effort 2 hide ur self after revealin urself... if am nt wrong...
    the best part again is the innoscence baby...
    keep it up... touch ur heart n write... dont bother at all...
    u ll b d best d way u r... n hey u can tell dis 2 me(plzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz!!!! nahi toh!!!!!)

  11. hmm..dunno myself about that hiding n revealing part....may b u know me more..
    i will i need to say thank least i know this!!

    what u can?? i will tell u only!!

  12. hey sweety tis is a nice one...
    it kinda shows.."many things in life are unspoken,left for mates to understand.."
    do post more of ya works..wud love to check 'em..

  13. thanks buddy!!
    "your works"..ahem....making me feel like a poet(lolZzzz)i know m no where close to don't feel like bragging:P....anyways thank you for those encouraging words..will surely try to live up to your expectations....hope so..
