Friday, September 5, 2008


I knew this day would come.

Never thought it would, so soon.

But it did.

It did.

Come to a stop.

A full stop.

Should i retire so soon?.

Would I??.


Another day is over

Getting lost into the sea

The sun is coming down

Is going down on me

Lost in my world of thoughts

Of what is over and what is not

Waves crashing into my mind

Tomorrow I will get another shot

-written., n0t by me.

Wednesday, January 2, 2008

__ if only thEy could go -nUmb-. __


you try
you do try very hard
neither do you cRy nor do you scOwl
you sMile, smIle, and smiLe

if only you could nUmb those eyEs....
